Posts Tagged ‘color’

Choosing The Right Image File Format For The Web

February 10, 2010

In a previous post I mentioned choosing the right file format as one of the 6 key factors in optimizing images for the web. I’m now going to give you more pointers to help you decide which file format is the best choice depending on the graphic you are dealing with. I will focus only on the three most common graphic file formats used in web design:  JPEG, GIF and PNG. Read more…


CSS Body Background Color and Background Image

January 15, 2010

You certainly know the HTML ”<body>” tag is the topmost container box that wraps your web page design elements and content. Of course we can all agree that the <html>” tag is the topmost parent element of the HTML DOM.  So let me reformulate my previous statement to satisfy the geek within you: the body is the closest parent to HTML elements in  your web page content. You can use the body tag to change your web page background color from the default “white”.

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