Posts Tagged ‘vertical’

Building A Navigation Menu With HTML5 and CSS Part 3

May 1, 2012

We are now going to build a horizontal navigation menu with just HTML and CSS. In Part 1 we wrote the HTML snippet that we are using in both a vertical sidebar navigation and the horizontal bar navigation. In Part 2 we wrote the CSS styles needed for the vertical navigation.

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Building A Navigation Menu With HTML5 and CSS Part 2

April 20, 2012

In the Building A Navigation Menu With HTML5 and CSS Part 1 post we wrote a sample HTML of your web site main navigation menu. In this article we will now write the CSS styles needed to both position and address the overall look-and-feel of a vertical navigation typically displayed in a sidebar. Assuming, your sidebar is placed on the left of your web pages, we’ll accordingly assign the CSS ID #leftnav to the HTML element wrapping that navigation (<nav id=”leftnav”>….</nav>). Now comes the CSS style sheet.

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